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About Gulu Design | Our Mission And Value

Oct 01,2022 | Gulu Design

At Gulu Design, where we celebrate uniqueness through personalized portraits with a delightful twist. Join our creative community on an artistic adventure of self-expression and genuine connections. Transform yourself with custom portraits and be part of our masterpiece story. Let's make creativity meet genuine joy! 🎨✨🌟


Transform Yourself: Custom Portraits with a Twist

Welcome to our creative space, where you become the masterpiece! Discover personalized portraits with a delightful twist. Express your unique style as we turn your photos into extraordinary artworks that make you smile. Join our community and embark on a journey of self-expression together. Let's create cool art that's all about YOU! 🎨😎🤘


Our Story


At Gulu Design, we empower individuals to express their uniqueness through personalized portraits with a creative twist. Founded by Sharyhann and Liang, whose shared love for art and creativity blossomed during their childhood, our aim is to create a vibrant community where you can unlock your creative potential. We believe that every individual is a true masterpiece, and our mission is to celebrate your unique style and personality through captivating artworks. With the art of transformation and the power of personalization, we inspire self-expression and foster genuine connections worldwide. 

Chapter One

In 2017, childhood friends Sharyhann and Liang embarked on an entrepreneurial journey driven by their shared passion for art. They founded Gulu Design with a vision to create a creative space where individuals could express themselves through personalized portraits with a delightful twist. 🎨🌈 As their venture gained momentum, it attracted a vibrant community of art enthusiasts who appreciated the unique experience and attention to detail. Today, Gulu Design thrives as an e-commerce platform, continuing to inspire and transform lives worldwide with its ambition to celebrate uniqueness and ignite smiles through art and creativity. 🚀✨


Where are we now?

Gulu Design thrives as an e-commerce destination, sparking joy with personalized portraits. ✨🎨 Our unique twist on cherished memories fosters self-expression and connections. 🌟🤝 As creativity propels us forward, we leave an indelible mark on personalized art. 


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Feel free to mail to Sharyhann2@gmail.com or click me!

